Sunday, January 31, 2016

A little pre-exam inspiration

Hey everyone! I know you have a lot of extra work to do on Edmodo before your exams this month, but I thought it might be nice to post a few fun links, articles and videos that may be of interest to you. Learning a language is not about memorizing endless lists of vocabulary words and doing grammar exercises, after all: it's supposed to be enjoyable.

This tumblr page is made up entirely of beautiful sentences! 

How to read 100 books in a year

Deep dark fears

Rolling Stone article on the late David Bowie and listen to an interview on NPR with David Bowie

History of swearing in movies

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Shel Silverstein

Hello everyone!

We saw this poem in class last week and I thought I'd share a few more Shel Silverstein poems with you.
Reading children's and YA (young adult) books is a great way to practice English. When you started learning Spanish as a child, I'm sure you didn't start off with Cervantes. Here are a few other children's or young adult book authors that may interest you!

Roald Dahl

J.K. Rowling

Lois Lowry