Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Music and Tarantino

Music and Quentin Tarantino  
Are you familiar with Quentin Tarantino and his films? Do you have a favorite? What do you think of his soundtracks? Why are they so popular? 
Soundtrack: therecordedsoundaccompanimenttoafilm. 
Score: is original music written specifically to accompany a film. 
Get chills: tener escalofríos 
Hands down: sin lugar a dudas 
By the way: Por cierto 
Geek: friki 
Watch the video and answer these questions: 
  1. Where did Tarantino get the idea for “Stuck in the Middle with you” for the ear cutting scene in Reservoir Dogs?  
  1. Where was Tarantino working when he got the idea for the song for the lap dance scene in “Death Proof”? 
  1. According to Tarantino, what’s the most important track to get right when making a film? 
  1. How many music tracks were used in the first four Tarantino films? 
  1. What movie is his favorite opening song from? 
  1. Why did he prefer to have a soundtrack, as opposed to an original score, in his films? 
  1. How long has he loved music? 
  1. What is the significance of the jukebox he mentions at the end?

Tuesday, February 9, 2016


How well do you know the counties and countries in the U.K. or the American states? 

When a handful of Brits were asked to label the states in the U.S. this was the result:

When several Americans were asked to label European countries the results were equally disastrous.

While it's true that not all Americans and Brits are totally clueless when it comes to geography; it is definitely something that we tend to forget if we haven't looked at a map since 5th grade social studies lessons.

Don't let that happen to you! Here are a few websites with interactive geography games:

You don't have to limit yourself to these English-speaking countries...

Sunday, February 7, 2016

American Government and Elections

Regardless of where you live in the world, it is highly likely that you are constantly being bombarded by commercials, radio annoucements and newspaper articles with coverage on the American elections. If you are interested in finding out a bit more about how the American government is set up and the latest scoop on the elections here are a few links that may be of interest. 

Learn about how the American government works here with these interactive games

Are you a democrat or a republican? Take this online quiz

Here is a five-minute video that explains the election process

A cheat sheet that describes the candidates and what they represent

A funny video where Brits and Americans are asked to see how much they really know about the elections and election terms

Sophisticated Donald Trump speaking with a posh British accent